Custom Vid I was asked to dolift the turkey up by the legs and tell me you can t wait to rip my legs off and explain to me how you caught me alive then broke my neck then tell me how you plucked me and gutted me and tell me where my feet and head used to be .. Then put me on a roasting tray and start telling me how naughty I ve been then show me how you will hold my legs when you are ripping them off ...next Jess I want you to try to dislocate my thigh joints do this by grabbing a leg and pulling to the side then back and forth until you hear the hip/ thigh joint pop don t rip the skin ok when you are doing this tell me how naughty I ve been. Do the same with other leg remember just pop joints don t rip skin or pull leg off ok. Then rub butter over me and put foil on me and put me into oven .....don t over cook me Jess it s important I come out nice and crispy I reckon cook me for about 3-4 hours ...take foil off me 2 hours into cooking then cook me for last 1 hour show this then take me out and transfer me onto plate let me cool down for 1 hour then show taking me to table ....eating segment. Have you and turkey in shot zoomed in close but not to close then keep telling me how I was running around a few days ago then pull a drumstick off and eat then other leg and eat ....pull wings off and finally carve the body with knife and fork. ,
Date: June 15, 2022
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