Here's another REALLY HOT custom request done for one of our fans!! For FREE as always here at I WANT FEET! No $10/minute ripoffs here!!! Today is the day. Poor Sadie can't take it anymore. She sits at the foot of the sofa reading a book when Honey enters and props her feet up on the coffee table to read her magazine. Her wrinky, pointed feet right near Sadie's face. Sadie gazes longingly at the feet as they wrinkly and point and flex. Sadie slyly inches her body over a little closer to get a better look. Building confidence she leans in to take a whiff of those beautiful arched feet! It isn't long before Honey sees what's going on and confronts Sadie. She's noticed she always is looking at her feet. Honey is NOT comfortable with this behaviour. Sadie pleads with her to allow her some "time" with her sexy feet. Honey lets her know that SHE'LL NEVER HAVE HER FEET! Honey leaves to go take a nap. Sadie is mad and she's made up her mind. "I'm getting those feet….TODAY!". She goes and gets her "knock out" rag and creeps back the hall. She finds Honey sleeping and stands their to just look her over a bit. Then she approaches Honey with her rag. Honey begins to waken but it's too late! Sadie holds her down until she's out! Then Sadie takes to sucking her toes with great passion. Then she holds up Honey's feet one at a time using her hand to force it into a wrinkly point. After a while. Honey begins to stir and say "Sadie, no.." But she can't fight it. She reflexly points her toes though as it seems she's beginning to break. Then she gets enough strenght to try and pull away. Sadie hits her with the rag again but just enough to weaken her. She rolls her over and straddles her to eat her feet more! Honey is now willingly pointing her toes and moaning from the worship. As she gets more strength back again she takes Sadie's foot and begins to lick her sole. Honey is fully into it now. Moaning and loving it. She never knew how awesome it could be and tells Sadie that she's love to do it all the time! Sadie is obviously VERY happy!
Date: August 24, 2020
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